Extending Our Reach: Critical Actions to End Malaria

Organized by Chemonics Extending Our Reach: Critical Actions to End Malaria January 31, 2023 RSVP Are you hosting an event soon? Share your event with us by emailing events@globalhealth.org. And, stay up-to-date with the news from the global health community by signing up for our monthly newsletter.

PATH Malaria Webinar: What’s next with malaria vaccines? Opportunities and challenges for the next 5 years

Organized by PATH PATH Malaria Webinar: What’s next with malaria vaccines? Opportunities and challenges for the next 5 years March 23, 2023 RSVP The first malaria vaccine to be recommended and prequalified by WHO is moving into broader implementation, while a leading malaria vaccine candidate is in Phase 3 evaluation. Other immunization approaches, including monoclonal […]

Inclusive Health Systems: Key to PPR, UHC and TB response

4W43 4 West 43rd Street, New York, New York

Organized by Friends of the Global Fund, Japan, Friends of the Global Fight (US), and Friends of the Global Fund Europe Inclusive Health Systems: Key to PPR, UHC and TB response September 19, 2023 RSVP Friends of the Global Fund, Japan, Friends of the Global Fight (US), and Friends of the Global Fund Europe will […]


From Data to Action: How Information Is Helping Us Fight Malaria

Virtual - Zoom

Join an interactive discussion with speakers from Africa CDC, The Global Fund, USAID PMI, Notre Dame's Eck Institute for Global Health, and Management Sciences for Health to explore the dynamic role of data in malaria prevention and treatment. Audience Q&A | Simultaneous interpretation in French


Partners Forum: Country Perspectives on Ending Neglected Diseases within Climate Resilient Health Systems

Virtual - Zoom

Join for an insightful discussion on regional, country, and community-based perspectives on integrating climate action and NTD elimination. The forum aims to build on the dialogue initiated by the recently published Climate Action for NTD Elimination and Health Systems Partner Perspectives paper and Climate change, malaria and neglected tropical diseases: a scoping review led by […]


Accelerating Access to Medicines Through Tech-Enabled Solutions

135 West 50th Street New York, NY 10020 135 West 50th Street, New York

Join Axmed and global leaders during UNGA to explore bold, innovative strategies for accelerating medicine access in emerging economies. Axmed is hosting a high-impact event during the United Nations General Assembly, gathering distinguished government officials and senior global leaders in healthcare. With deep expertise in medicine access, this select group will explore bold, innovative actions […]
