Health for some is not good enough. An equitable opportunity to be as healthy as possible is necessary for all. Achieving equity in global health requires a collective approach that reaches across sectors, communities and countries, with health and social justice at its core.
GHC’s community of advocates, including those who might not ordinarily have a seat at the table, are increasingly becoming key players in these critical conversations. Our goal is to help elevate the voices of civil society to ensure all perspectives are included in decision making.
COVID-19 brought to light the gross inequities faced by people who are marginalized and minority populations. But it’s also offered us a chance to amplify the voices of these often overlooked populations.
Across the globe, government responses to COVID were varied and fragmented. As variants continue to emerge, it is clear that this pandemic is far from over. So how can we ensure a more equitable response to the pandemic, and other critical health needs, moving forward?
In recent months, Global Health Council has evaluated this issue from many angles. We conducted an extensive literature review and listened to those most affected about their lived experiences. In our latest report, we use this information to highlight the challenges, triumphs, and shortcomings of the COVID-19 pandemic response and outline recommendations for a more equitable path forward.
At the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Summit: Elevating Civil Society and Community Voices in Global Health, GHC facilitated workshops focused on turning advocacy into action. By participating in the workshop, organizations became eligible to submit a proposal for Global Health Council’s (GHC’s) first-ever Advocacy in Motion (AIM) Grants.
UHC2030 is a global platform that provides a space for multiple stakeholders including governments, private sector, multilateral agencies, foundations and civil society to work together to influence national and international commitment for Universal Health Coverage. The UHC2030 Steering Committee provides strategic direction and oversight to the UHC2030 platform. Currently, GHC is a member of the UHC2030 platform. GHC is also the Global North Civil Society Representative on the UHC2030 Steering Committee.
In addition to our participation on the UHC2030 Steering Committee, GHC also serves as an Advisory Group member to the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism of UHC2030 (CSEM). CSEM raises civil society voices in UHC2030 to ensure all UHC policies are inclusive and equitable and pays special attention to marginalized and vulnerable populations. Following the release of the zero draft of the UHC HLM political declaration, CSEM launched a survey to collect feedback from civil society. You can read that input here.
The Health Data Collaborative (HDC) is a UHC2030 related initiative that convenes stakeholders from across the health data ecosystem to strengthen Health Information Systems in multiple countries, align partner resources with country priorities, and adapt global health tools to local contexts. As a Board member, GHC is responsible for providing leadership, strategic guidance, and decisions making for, among other things, HDC’s annual work plan and budget, partnerships and collaborations, evaluations and assessment recommendations.
The Graduate Institute for Global Health, WHO, and CSEM joined together to launched Social Participation for Health: Engagement, Research, and Empowerment (SPHERE). This initiative brings together civil society representatives, multilateral agencies, implementers and academics to drive health reform with a focus on Universal Health Coverage. It is intended to create greater and more meaningful engagement of civil society and communities in national, regional, and global public health processes. Currently, the program is launching its programs in Vietnam, Kenya and Argentina. As a member of the CSEM Advisory Group, GHC serves as part of the SPHERE Core Committee which makes decisions to guide the implementation of the program.