Latest Past Events

The 3rd Regional MNCH Advocacy Dialogue “Uniting Forces for MNCH Impact: The game changers”


Session objectives: • Highlight successful interventions and innovative practices and partnerships that have shown promise in ending preventable maternal, newborn, and child mortality.     • Strengthen partnerships among communities, governments, normative agencies, international organizations, and civil society to improve MNCH outcomes across the continent.

Tiny Fighters, Big Battles: Newborns & Growing Antibiotic Resistance

InterContinental Genève - Ballroom A 7-9 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex Switzerland 1209, Geneva

Drug-resistant infections are a leading cause of death around the world, with the highest burdens in low-resource settings. Join Jhpiego and leading global health experts at a World Health Assembly Side Event to hear more about how antibiotic resistance is undermining modern medicine, impacting our most vulnerable population: newborn children. We'll share emerging research insights and key […]