Mycetoma: Understanding the disease, seeking solutions


DNDi and the US CDC have organized a webinar focused on mycetoma, a neglected tropical disease that causes devastating disabilities and death. The webinar will take place during the Fungal Disease Awareness Week (FDAW 2024), and will be held on September 18, 2024, from 17:00-18:15 EAT. By bringing together leading experts, a patient advocate, and […]

International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2024


Join the Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice Programs (MDP), in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), for the 12th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD). **Online parallel sessions will take place virtually on September 19. Please use this form to register for the parallel sessions. The parallel session agenda will be sent to all registrants […]

Brain Days at the 79th United Nations General Assembly

Imagine if a society treated brain power as its most precious natural resource. How would that shape its economy, government, security, health, education, and environment? Join us in New York City on September 18-20, 2024, for the Brain Days at the 79th United Nations General Assembly to meet key stakeholders from across the brain community – patients, scientists, clinicians, policymakers, […]

Integrating HIV and Emerging Infectious Disease Threats in PHC

The Westin New York Grand Central / Madison Ballroom - Lobby Level 212 East 42nd Street, New York, New York

The intersection of infectious diseases, including HIV, antimicrobial resistance, and global health security presents a critical challenge to global health systems. Despite significant advancements, the ability of primary health care to effectively assess and manage these issues remains fragmented, often leading to inefficiencies and suboptimal outcomes. Two decades of investment in successful HIV programs call […]


Summit of the Future Action Days

United Nations Headquarters 405 E 45th St, New York City, NY, United States

To generate additional opportunities for the engagement of all actors, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is convening the Summit of the Future Action Days on 20 and 21 September 2024 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Bringing together representatives from Member States, civil society, private sector, academia, local and regional authorities, youth, and many more, […]

Summit of the Future 2024

United Nations Headquarters 405 E 45th St, New York City, NY, United States

The Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and serves as a moment to mend trust and demonstrate that international cooperation can effectively tackle current challenges as well as those that have emerged in recent years or may yet be over the horizon. The Summit of the Future will take place on 22 and […]

Climate Week NYC

Climate Group

Climate Week NYC is the largest annual climate event of its kind, bringing together over 600 events and activities across the City of New York – in person, hybrid and online. Each year, business leaders, political change makers, local decision takers and civil society representatives of all ages and backgrounds, from all over the world, […]

Securing Digital Futures for Young People’s Sexual Health and Rights

WorkHouse 21 W 46th St, New York City, NY

The USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health and Reckitt invite you to join us for “Securing Digital Futures for Young People’s Sexual Health and Rights,” an in-person panel event and reception on Sunday, September 22nd from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT. The dramatic pushback against sexual rights across the globe is felt most […]


3rd Annual Meeting of the UN Group of Friends to Eliminate Hepatitis

Yale Club 50 Vanderbilt Ave, New York, NY, United States

The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Group of Friends to Eliminate Hepatitis aims to galvanize diplomatic efforts towards mobilizing resources, fostering international collaboration, and driving sustainable progress in the global fight against hepatitis. The meeting will bring together Nobel laureates, representatives from Member States UN Missions, Ministries of Health and International Cooperation, WHO HQ and […]

Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting

The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) community will reconvene September 23-24, 2024 in New York City for the 2024 Annual Meeting. Timed to coincide with the U.N. General Assembly, CGI brings together business, government, and civil society leaders to drive progress on climate resilience, inclusive economic growth and recovery, health equity, the full participation of women […]

Concordia Annual Summit

New York City

The Concordia Annual Summit convenes the world’s most prominent business, government, and nonprofit leaders to foster dialogue and enable effective partnerships for positive social impact. This global affairs forum takes place in New York City and examines the world’s most pressing challenges to identify avenues for collaboration.

On the Frontlines of AMR: A Systems Approach

The Yale Club 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join Management Sciences for Health (MSH) for an in-person event on the sidelines of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, where we’ll explore the role of strong supply chains and health systems to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Hear from global experts, local practitioners, and health workers on the frontlines of the fight against AMR.
