Eliana Monteforte
Eliana Monteforte is the Director for International Advocacy & Engagement at Global Health Council (GHC) where she leads advocacy efforts focused on improving community and civil society engagement and advocating for key health equity issues globally. Over the past 15 years, Eliana has worked with civil society organizations (CSOs) around the world to build strong health programs, products, and services that are responsive to populations’ needs, particularly those most vulnerable and marginalized. For many years, Eliana also worked with the Ministries of Health in Angola and Honduras to strengthen their health information systems (HIS) and develop regional and district-level health plans and budgets as well as health watch monitoring frameworks to monitor access and quality of health services. Currently, Eliana is an Advisory Group Member of the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) focused on raising civil society voices and ensuring no one is left behind in achieving universal health coverage (UHC). Additionally, she is the Global North Steering Committee Alternate Representative for UHC2030 where she ensures UCH2030 strategies, partnerships, and advocacy are inclusive of civil society and reflective of their needs. Eliana is also a Steering Committee Member of the inaugural WHO Civil Society Commission focused on advising the World Health Organization (WHO) on how to improve meaningful civil society engagement at the national, regional, and global levels. Lastly, as a Core Committee Member of the Social Participation for Health, Engagement, Research, and Empowerment (SPHERE Project), Eliana advocates to governments and other key stakeholders to develop, support, and mainstream social participation platforms to create enabling environments for civil society and communities to improve health policies and services. At GHC, Eliana also leads three Working Groups on Maternal Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH), Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), and Health Equity. In these working groups, Eliana collaborates with GHC members and outside partners to analyze global health data and develop advocacy plans to impact US Global Health policy as well as Global Health Programs, Action Plans, Resolutions, Declarations, etc. As noted by her work, Eliana truly believes that communities and civil society are the key to making a positive health impact in the world.