Advocacy Update ~ January 27, 2020

January 27, 2020

Senate Passes Resolution on Nutrition

On January 15, the Senate passed S. Res. 260, a resolution recognizing the importance of sustained United States leadership to accelerating global progress against maternal and child malnutrition and supporting the commitment of the United States Agency for International Development to reducing global malnutrition through the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy.

HFAC To Hold Hearing on Unique Challenges Women Face in Global Health

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs will hold a hearing about women and the challenges they face in global health on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 10am EST in 2172 Rayburn House Office Building.

Gavi’s Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

Gavi is in its 20th year, and to celebrate their work, they have launched a new website with new testimonials, interviews, and highlights. The Alliance’s third donor pledging conference is set for June 3-4, 2020, where they hope to mobilize at least an additional $7.4 billion (US) to protect the next generation with vaccines. More information about the pledging conference can be found here.

WHO Executive Board Meeting Will Be Held in February

The WHO’s Executive Board meeting is next week, running February 3-8 in Geneva. Updates to the agenda are available online. The agenda and daily timetable are tentative, and subject to change, so be sure to check back frequently to the WHO website for the most up-to-date information. 

USAID Announces Up to $130 Million to Accelerate Reductions in Maternal and Child Deaths

Late last year, USAID launched the first two in a series of global health awards to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity in high-burden countries. These two awards fall under the MOMENTUM suite of projects and more information can be found here.


This post was written by Kiki Kalkstein, Director of Advocacy and Engagement, and Rebecca Daedalus, Advocacy & Community Partnerships Coordinator.